Thursday, February 2, 2012

Super Easy Gluten Free Chocolate Covered Cherry Fudge Recipe

This recipe miraculously appeared in my inbox when I needed a little something extra to take to a bake sale.

Beautiful pink sweet strawberry fudge.  Can you believe it - only 2 ingredients!

I knew I so totally had to make it - it would be quick, simple, and look beautiful on a plate.  A few pieces per plate would fetch a nice profit at the bake sale.  And I had most of the ingredients in my house.  That sounds so funny, doesn't it, since there are only 2 ingredients...

So here's how I compensated...

SPH Super Easy Gluten Free Strawberry Fudge Recipe
1 T. (from a 3 oz. package) strawberry Jell-o
1 container Betty Crocker Rich and Creamy Vanilla Frosting
2 T. butter (omit if using the white chocolate chips)
1 12-oz. package Wilton white candy melts (I also had red on hand, and debated about using those instead)
  *OR* 1 12-oz. package white chocolate chips

Combine Jell-o and frosting.  Melt butter into candy melts, and combine with frosting.  Line a 9x9 baking pan with foil, and butter it well.  Pour frosting mixture into pan, and allow to set in fridge for about 30 minutes.

Now if you're a purist, and you want either plain white or regular chocolate fudge, this recipe works for those as well.  Simply use the plain white frosting with the butter and candy melts or chocolate chips, or chocolate frosting with chocolate candy melts/butter or chocolate chips.

I began playing with other flavor profiles in my mind, too - like adding some orange extract to either the white or chocolate fudge.  Maybe some coffee liquer?  Or melting up some red-hot candies with the red candy melts?  Lots of ideas!  So I came up with this one - kind of a St. Valentine's Day type flavor.  This is the fudge in the photo above...

SPH Super Easy Gluten Free Chocolate Covered Cherry Fudge Recipe
1 container Betty Crocker Rich & Creamy Cherry Frosting
1 12-oz. package Wilton white candy melts + 3 T. butter **OR**
1 12-oz. package white chocolate chips
@ 3 T. Betty Crocker Rich & Creamy Chocolate Frosting
@2-3 T. cream or milk

Make cherry fudge as above.  Pour mixture into well-buttered, foiled pan, and allow to chill for about 30 minutes.  Meanwhile, melt chocolate frosting and cream together (think ganache), and pour over fudge about 10 minutes before it's done setting. This chocolate glaze does not set entirely, but it sure tastes good!  Cut into squares and enjoy.

So make a quick batch of super easy fudge, and take a plate to that Super Bowl party!



Anonymous said...

I love coming across Gluten-free recipes! I pinned this one. Perfect for Valentines Day!

SPH said...

All the recipes here are gluten free, or offer a gluten free option. Hope you enjoy them!

Simply Tasheena said...

Thanks for sharing! My daughter is on a gluten diet.

Mrs. Delightful recently posted: My Memories Giveaway

Melanie @ bear rabbit bear said...

What a great recipe. Thanks for sharing! Happy you linked to Things I've Done Thursday!


Jennifer McLean said...

OOh, thank you so much for this recipe. I've been doing gluten free for 6 months after finding out about my sensitivity. This recipe is perfect for Easter!
I hope you don't mind but I'm trying to get the word out...
If you are worried about the fact that google friend connect is being discontinued even eventually for blogger blogs then please come read my latest blog post, I'm trying to get the info out there about MR. LINKY'S new FOLLOWER tool!! Yes, the same guy who wrote the cool linky tool has now put out a FREE Follower tool!! Come on over and read all about it.
Jennifer McLean from

Rhinestone Beagle said...

These look tasty. Thanks so much for linking this up at Doggone Dirty Craftin last week. Can't wait to see what you have for this thursday!

Unknown said...

This looks so yummy! I would love for you to visit my new food blog, The Sweet Spot, and link up your recipes to my Mouthwatering Monday Link Party!

Unknown said...

Looks incredible!! Thanks so much for linking up!! I'm your newest follower! Have you seen my Lisa Leonard giveaway yet?

XO, Aimee