It's Fair Season! Yay! That exciting time of year when you convince yourself that you can crochet, knit, and sew simultaneously for 47 hours every day and turn out blue-ribbon worthy projects by the truckload!
Well, maybe not quite that extreme, but things do tend to kick into high gear around here from a crafting perspective. Princess and I are both entering quite a few projects, and while she had the foresight to get started last fall, I still had a lot on my plate that I was wrapping up before I started my class.
Now that class is done, and the garden is in, and growing, and weeded...
I've had time to start sitting down with my crochet hook. I made sure to buy my yarn on sale with my teacher's discount, and now it's time to get stuff used up and moved out. The first project I've got is an afghan. It's a patriotic afghan, and so far I've got one square done (out of 24), the second one almost done and ready to join. I'm learning a new technique with this one - join as you go. I'll be sure to take photos and share how to do this with you.
I'll also be posting how my other projects are coming along. Because you know that you can't just stop with one.
Also, keep an eye on the Chicago weather. If you see that we're above 90 degrees, we use a certain set of rules to save energy. The main rule is no electronic media between 6 am and 6 pm, especially those items with video monitors, like the TV and the computer. We've found that the temperature in a room where these two particular items are running can be as much as 10-15 degrees warmer. I don't want to pay for the extra electricity to keep us cooler when we are adding the heat. Another rule: no baking or cooking, unless we use the toaster oven or crock pot outside on the front porch. Maybe the grill if Hubby's in the mood.
Today is one of those days - 97 degrees in the city, which means we could easily top the century mark out here.
So what does that mean? Well, if you don't see me post for a few days, don't be surprised or alarmed. Just know that it's uber hot here. Like today and the next few days. Also, new recipes will be few and far between for a while. I'll try to be here when I can, with photos, updates, etc.
I'm off to finish up some cleaning before it gets too hot, then I'll be grabbing my hook and my camera. Until next time!

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