You really need to click the link under the photo. Read that article. Then here are some additions I would include:
- Have guests scrape plates into a bokashi bucket. Turn those last Thanksgiving tidbits into a springtime supplement for your soil.
- Use the carcass and extra celery, carrots and onions to make a wonderful turkey broth. After straining your broth, put the solids in the bokashi bucket, too.
- Freeze the leftover meat. I don't know about you, but after doing all the cooking, I can't STAND to look at that turkey for a while. Defrost at a later date to make turkey hash, turkey tacos, or even a turkey tetrazzini with gluten free noodles.
- Eggshells from your holiday baking are compostable. So are the tops and tips of carrots, the bottoms of celery, the outsides of onions, the coffee grounds from that delicious cuppa you made for your company, and, if you baked your own pumpkin for the pie, the shell of the pumpkin.
- Better yet, try growing the carrots from the tops and the celery from the bottoms. There are lots of articles online about how to do this, and what a great way to keep your kids engaged in gardening through the winter months!
- The article mentions appropriate sized portions. This is especially important for the littles. An adult should definitely help put items on their plates, and remember, they are children, not linebackers.
- And speaking of your kids, don't pull out that trusty "there are children starving in Africa" speech. We've all heard it. We all hated it. Don't do that to your kids. If you really want to influence them on how much to eat and avoiding waste, take them to work at a food pantry or soup kitchen in the weeks ahead (or really anytime of year). Let them see the face of hunger, and watch what happens.
Enjoy your holiday today! Many blessings to all!

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